Tehran International Book Fair

Tehran International Book Fair is staged in Tehran in May on an annual basis. The first edition of the international cultural event was held in 1988 with 16 thousands titles of book on show. The cultural event has turned into a landmark, momentous book fair in the Middle East and Asia after 34 editions in a row.

Millions of visitors visit the fair every year, including thousands of university students, scholars and their families. The event currently serves

as the most significant cultural event in Iran.


Organizer of TIBF

Iran book and literature house has been the organizer of the Tehran International Book Fair during the three past decades. This Institute was established in 1992 as a non-governmental institute and has been commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to stage a number of cultural events, particularly Tehran International Book Fair (TIBF), provincial book fairs and cultural festivals at home and abroad. The ultimate goal is to promote and expand book reading in Iran.


Direct Book Sale

 All books are up for grab through direct sales during the event. In the last TIBF, over 4 trillion Rials (nearly $9.6 million) were sold.



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